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SEHN2024 Vendor FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Where do the vendors park?

All vendors are to park in the back of the Waterford Banquet Hall. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q3. What are the load-In & Load Out timings?

  •  Vendors must arrive between 8AM to 10:30 AM on Saturday, April 6th. Set up should be complete by 11:30AM.

  • Load out must be completed by 11PM on Sunday, April 7th.

  • Men are allowed to come into the hall to load in and load out. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q5. Where do the vendors enter from?
 Vendors can enter from the front entrance or the back entrance. We will let you know which is your nearest access a few days before the SEHN event. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q7. How much space is per booth & What is included in the booth?

  • Each booth space is standard 8x10ft. Some premium booths are 10x10ft and will have extra cost. 

  • A 6ft or 8ft rectangular table and 2 chairs are included in the booth.

  • Please bring your own linen that matches with your own theme.

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q9. Can I get a discount?

No, we are not allowing discounts at this point. Our booths are reasonably priced, given that this is a 2 day women only event with a lot of foot traffic and serious buyers. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q11. Do I as a vendor have to pay for entry?

 SEHN is a ticketed event but vendors do not have to pay for entry. Each vendor will be given 2 general entry tickets complimentary. 

All vendors will be given an SEHN Vendor Badge which they will have to keep on at all times to be allowed entry into the hall at no cost.

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

This event is right before Eid so our guests are looking for anything Eid! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q2. Is the parking Free?

 Yes! Parking is completely free.

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q4. Are men allowed inside?

  • Men are permitted in hall during setup only 

    (Sat 8AM-11AM) and must exit by 11:30AM.

  • Breakdown on Sun, April 7th, from 9PM-11PM. Complete pack up by 11PM.

  • Men are not allowed at booths/tables during the event timings.

    Failure to comply results in penalties and future event restrictions for vendors

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q6. Will there be carts available?
 No unfortunately, please bring your own dolly, cart or any other equipment that will help you with the load in and load out process.

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q8. Can I share a booth?

  • Booth sharing is generally not permitted but we review each scenario case by case. Please email to discuss. 

  • Sharing of booths MUST be permitted by the organizers prior to the event so please make sure you contact the organizers on the above email. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q10. How many guests are we expecting?

 The SEHN event had close to 1400 guests last year and we are expecting more than 2000 guests this year, including those from neighboring states!

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q12. Can I bring in someone else to help?


 Absolutely! Each vendor will be given 2 badges/ID cards so you can have 2 people at your booth at all times at no additional cost. 

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q14. How can vendors help in marketing?

  • Please share about the event and the items you’ll be stocking on your social media accounts.

  • Share with your family, friends and customers and encourage them to support Muslim businesses. 

  • Share the flyer and event details on your WhatsApp groups and social circles. 

  • This is a women only event so it is hijabi and niqaabi friendly. Please invite your hijabi and niqaabi friends! Lets support and uplift other women.

Q13. What items are sold most?

  • This event is right before Eid so our guests are mainly looking for basically anything Eid related! Clothes, hijabs and Eid gifts + favors are the most popular items. 

Q15. Do I have to post on social media? 

Yes, each vendor is required to post at least 2 times on their social media accounts and WhatsApp groups and at least once weekly, starting 2 weeks before the event.

Q17. Can I reserve my booth but pay later?

No, unfortunately we will not be holding/reserving booths for anyone. Your booth will be confirmed after receiving full payment only.

Q19. Can I have henna at my booth?

No, henna services can only be in the designated henna services provided by Hennazart. If you would like to participate as an artist, please fill out the application to be a henna artist on hennazart website.

Q16. I have to cancel my booth due to some issue. Can I get a refund?

You can get a 50% refund until March 20th for booth cancellation. No refunds will be issued after March 20th.

Q18. What are the payment options?

You can pay via cash, check, Zelle or credit card. 

Please email for address to mail check.

Q20. How can I draw more attention to my booth space?

Attention to your booth can be drawn before the SEHN event even begins. Use your social media and email campaigns to let your followers know about your participation at the event. Let them know what new products you will be offering specially for Eid. 
Also make your booth space look inviting. Present your booth in a beautiful manner. Be attentive and not on your cell phones all the time. We will try to create try to create a PDF with some tips and attach here in time. 


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